When I arrived at Brianna's house around 1:30 am, her parents were there helping her labor. Her mother had also experienced natural childbirth and was a great support to her by providing a comforting environment and massaging her back when the contractions came. Her dad even jumped in from time to time to help out. Her contractions were close together but you would never have known by her reaction to them. She was calm, collected and in her groove. We decided to leave for the hospital as she was preparing to labor and birth in a water birthing tub. The tub helped her to become even more relaxed and her labor progressed very quickly once she was in the water. Brianna pushed out her little baby only 3 hours after arriving to the hospital. She never complained once during her labor and never doubted her body or that she wouldn't be able to do. She knew she could and she did! Brianna was a beautiful example to me that if allowed and left to birth quietly, with a relaxed state of mind, surrendering to the process, and having a supportive birth team, women will know what to do and can bring life into this world without interventions. Brianna gave into her body and let her body do what it needed to do. She pushed for a very short time as her body did most of the work and she birthed her son peacefully in the water
It was one of the most beautiful experiences I have had as a doula.
Dr. Harter and Nurse Cindy were both an amazing birth team by allowing Brianna to labor how she wanted and were very respectful of her birthing wishes. Dr. Harter even allowed the parents time to bond with their baby in the tub for almost an hour before cutting the cord. At one point he was sitting on the bed observing their interactions and then was called to deliver another baby. He left and then came back and finished what he needed to do. It was awesome to see a doctor be completely calm and relaxed throughout the process. Baby Dean is perfect and he was welcomed into the most amazing family.
May, 4, 2013
This is my first blog posting EVER, and I am excited to start writing and sharing about things that are important to me as well as sharing other people's lives, memories and experiences. So, here I go....
Today was Race for the Cure here in Las Vegas. A close friend of mine has been battling cancer for the last year. April 10, 2012 she was told that she had a rare form of breast cancer called Triple Negative. She went through grueling rounds of chemotherapy and radiation as well as a double masectomy. She was cancer free for a few months and then got terrible news that it had come back in her lungs. She is fighting this horrible disease to be able to spend as much time as she can with her family and friends.
As I reflect upon today, I realize how precious friends, family and life is. I think we often take for granted our health, our family, our friends and our life. Witnessing how strong this woman is, how many people she has affected and have rallied around her and how precious she is with her with her son has helped me to put my own relationships and life into perspective. We can't waste a single day pitying ourselves or feeling sorry for where we are. Me and only ME can make my life the way I want it to be. We all have to seize the day, make the best of what we have been given and do what we can to bring cheer into the lives of others. I thank God for bringing Janelle into my life. I thank Janelle for teaching me about friendship, love, fighting, perserverance, strength, kindness, and about never giving up. Keep fighting Janelle and we will keep supporting and praying for you!